Amaia Serrano-Mariezkurrena
Amaia Serrano-Mariezkurrena is a professor in the Department of Language and Literature Didactics at the Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). She has a degree in Teaching for Primary School and a degree in Teaching a Foreign Language. She also has a degree in Basque Philology. She studied the Master's degree in Comparative Literature and Literary Studies at the UPV/EHU (obtaining the best student award) and defended her PhD 36ko Gerra euskal nobelagintzan: memoria ikerketak narratologia kulturalaren ikuspegitik in the same programme, for which she received the Extraordinary Prize of the UPV/EHU.
She has participated in numerous UPV/EHU research projects and her lines of research are feminist criticism, gender studies, historical memory, cultural memory and literary education. She has completed two pre-doctoral stays at the UPPA (Baiona) and Aarhus Universistet (Denmark) and a post-doctoral stay at the UAM in Madrid.
She has also been involved in dissemination, both in literary criticism in the magazine Argia and in the pedagogical magazines HikHasi and HaziHezi.
Serrano-Mariezkurrena, A. (2024). Begirada literarioak iraganari. 36ko Gerraren irudikapenak euskal eleberrigintzan. UPV/EHU
Serrano-Mariezkurrena, A., Luna, U., Permach, N. and Echeberria, B. (2024). Memoriaren arrastoa euskal HGLn. Gerrak ez du izenik albumaren azterketa. Fontes Linguae Vasconum 137, 137-162.
Serrano Mariezkurrena, A. (2023). Gatazka armatua eta genero gatazka bidegurutzean. Jokin Muñozen narratiba begirada feminista batetik. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, 136, 371-396.
Serrano Mariezkurrena, A. (2022). Discourses on the Spanish Civil War in Basque novels. International Journal of Iberian Studies 35, 3-25.
Serrano Mariezkurrena, A. (2020). Memoria literaria y guerra civil: modos de narrar en la novela vasca. ínsula 883-884, 44-49.
Serrano Mariezkurrena, A. (2020). Emakumeen gorputzak eta ahotsak Uxue Alberdiren “Aulki-jokoa” (2009) eleberrian. Euskera 65(2), 543-577.
Retolaza, I. and Serrano Mariezkurrena, A. (2017). A peza artística-audiovisual Gernika Lemoizen: lugares de memoria en tensión. In Freire, M. P., Herrero, N. & Agrelo, E. (eds.). Novo espazo público: a emerxencia cultural (151-172). Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
Sánchez, M. and Serrano Mariezkurrena, A. (2013). Narrativa vasca y memoria: la necesidad de crear verdades literarias. Ínsula 797, 24-27.
Serrano Mariezkurrena, A. (2012). Jokin Muñozen Antzararen bidea, oroitzapenei zabaldutako literatur leiho. In Serrano, A. (ed.). Gatazken lorratzak. Euskal arazoen isla narratiban 1936tik gaurdaino (123-162). Utriusque Vasconiae.