Haizea Barcenilla Garcia
Haizea Barcenilla is co-Principal Researcher of the Hariak group. She holds a PhD in Art History from the UPV/EHU, and a MFA Curating from Goldsmiths College, University of London. She is professor at the Arte History and Music Department, and vice-director of the CYXAC MA. Her research lines revolve around feminist critique to art history, focusing on critique and exhibition discourses.
Haizea was a resident curator in the program Le Pavillon at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris (2009-2010) and she participated in Kuratorlab at Konstfack Universität, Stockholm, in 2012. She has carried out research at Keio University, Tokyo, La Sapienza in rome and Universidade Nova in Lisbon, and she has been a guest lecturer at the Universities of Nantes, Roma Tre and UNAM, in Mexico. She has supervised six PhD dissertations.
Barcenilla has curated exhibitions since 2007. Among them, she curated Baginen Bagara with Garazi Ansa, and from that departure point they created the Bagara project, one of the main lines of this group. She also writes a column on art and patrimony in Berria newspaper every two weeks since 2014.
Barcenilla, H. and Lekuona Mariscal, A. (Eds.) (2024). Historias desnortadas. Hacia una historia feminista del arte contemporáneo en el estado español, Tirant lo Blanch.
Ansa-Arbelaiz, G.; Barcenilla, H. and Lekuona Mariscal, A. (2024). Revisar los hitos: Gure Artea desde una perspectiva de género (1982-1995). Arte, individuo y sociedad, 36(2), 433-444.
Barcenilla, H. (2023). Exponer para historiar. Nuevos relatos feministas. In R. de la Villa, Maestras (48-55). Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza.
Barcenilla, H. (2023). Reivindicarse sin exponerse. Estrategias translúcidas en los autorretratos de Rosa Valverde. Espacio, tiempo y forma. Serie VII, Historia del Arte, 11, 267-290.
Ansa Arbelaiz, G. and Barcenilla, H. (2021). Baginen Bagara. In Barcenilla, H. and Ansa Arbelaiz, G. (Eds.). Baginen Bagara. Emakume artistak: ikusgarritasun(ez)aren logikak. Artistas mujeres: lógicas de la (in)visibilidad (9-29). San Telmo Museoa.
Barcenilla, H. (2020). Estrategias translúcidas y contraimágenes: romper con la representación hegemónica. Boletín de arte, 41, 23–32.
Barcenilla, H. (2018). Visibilidad animada. In VVAA, Video-Arte. Recorridos por la creación videográfica en Euskal Herria (67-86). UPV-EHU.
Barcenilla, H. (2014). Incluir o replantear: cómo exponer e historizar a las mujeres artistas. Boletín de arte, 35, 117–129.