Esther Ferrer eta Denbora

(Ia) guztia moztu edo itsats daiteke

(Ia) guztia moztu eta itsats daiteke is a story sewn up through the words of Aintzane Usandizaga and the images by Aran Santamaria. At its core are the artworks by the artist Esther Ferrer about time. The aim of the book is to make these artworks known in a fun and beautiful way. Esther Ferrer is one of the most important artists in the Basque Country and she has frequently cultivated concepts such as time, which are both abstract and quotidian. Through collage montages and dancing words that resemble Esther Ferrer's aesthetics, the reader will strive to capture time.

Batzuetan, askotan, gauzak ez dira
nik nahi dudan lekuan bukatzen…
... guraizeak hartzen ditut halakoetan: kris-kraus!
Erraza da nondik moztu argi badaukazu.


Mari Paz Jimenez eta pintura