Mari Paz Jimenez eta pintura

Ahizpari gutuna

Rosario kuttuna, zer moduz zaude?
Gauzak diren moduan idaztea gustatuko litzaidake
baina azkenaldian objektu batzuk etengabe

aldatzen direla sentitzen dut, beste batzuk ahitzen.
Gure bizitzak oraindik poesia behar duela dirudi,
ez zaizu iruditzen?

Ahizpari gutuna is a proposal that has been made through the collaboration of Elena Olave's words and the images by Irrimar. Based on the artworks created by María Paz Jiménez, the book aims to publicize the artist's work in a beautiful and poetic way. María Paz Jimenez, who is especially known for her contributions to painting, was also involved in sewing, making costumes for her sister Rosario Escudero who was a flamenco dancer.

The readers will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the reflections of María Paz's creative process through the fictional letter she writes to her sister, with the help of images that bring us closer to the variety of styles used by the artist.


Esther Ferrer eta Denbora


Rosa Valverde eta kutxak