Traste arrunten barruan
Rosa Valverde eta kutxak
Traste arrunten barruan, ondo begiratuz gero,
istorio harrigarriak aurkitzen dira…
…edo asmatu egin daitezke.
Istorio harrigarriak gordetzeko
zurezko kutxa bat egingo dugu […]
The illustrated book Traste arrunten barruan zuk zer ikusten duzu? is a project born from the collaboration between Maialen Lujanbio Zugasti and Arrate Rodriguez Martin. Based on the works of Rosa Valverde, the goal of the book is to introduce the artist’s work through an artistic game that sparks creativity. Although Valverde also dedicated herself to painting, this book focuses on the works created with boxes.
Throughout the book, the reader will find ideas and recommendations for creating their own box, using the possibilities that come from combining different objects.